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Jump To: Audio (18)  |  Text (5)

Audio & Music (18)
Edge of creation Scream Tracker Module 1m46s 142KB 1997-11-02
blind exploration Extended Module 3m14s 1MB 1997-07-24
burning in speed Scream Tracker Module 2m50s 176KB 1996-07-18
Chaos theory (G.D. Mix) Impulse Tracker Module 4m27s 821KB 1997-09-03
Into the Dark Impulse Tracker Module 3m4s 262KB 1997-11-13
The Happy Plumber...BM/CT Impulse Tracker Module 2m6s 369KB 1997-08-28
G-Cooperation Extended Module 4m17s 1MB 1997-08-21
` Facets of Devotion ' Impulse Tracker Module 3m52s 623KB 1997-12-29
Indian Rhapsody Impulse Tracker Module 3m52s 721KB 1998-01-07
Her Autumn Dream Impulse Tracker Module 2m23s 162KB 1997-09-29
Holy Writ Extended Module 3m58s 963KB 1997-08-21
House of Orinocco Impulse Tracker Module 5m5s 1MB 1997-09-05
jet black, with a twist Impulse Tracker Module 2m46s 400KB 1996-06-30
NEW-HOPE.XM Extended Module 4m26s 647KB 1997-08-17
penguin accessory store Impulse Tracker Module 2m34s 173KB 1997-08-04
return from h Extended Module 3m56s 319KB 1998-01-07
the one i knew Impulse Tracker Module 5m35s 547KB 1997-09-15
where are we Impulse Tracker Module 10m 863KB 1997-08-21

Text (5)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
ct-2ndit.frm Text File 5 97b 1998-05-11
CT.NFO Text File 277 13KB 1998-02-27
CT2NDIT.TXT Text File 66 2KB 1998-02-27
CTDISCO.TXT Text File 480 16KB 1998-02-27
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 13 260b 1998-02-27